TAG's 14th annual show at Still Hopes Episcopal Retirement Community
in the Hope Well hallway gallery adjacent to Emilie's Cafe through September 27th, 2024
Drop by any time to see the show that includes 43 pieces of art created by members of TAG
The reception and awards ceremony has been rescheduled for Tuesday, August 13th, 5-6:30 PM. It is open to the public and we hope you will join us and vote on the People's Choice Award!

Trenholm Artists Guild
The Trenholm Artists Guild (locally known as TAG), established in 1971, was created to encourage and stimulate the practice and appreciation of the creative arts. To achieve this goal, TAG works cooperatively with other groups and non-profits to help build audiences and participation in the arts.
TAG members include amateur and professional artists who work in may different mediums. Many TAG members work full-time in art as teachers, graphic artists, and professional artists. TAG is located in Columbia, South Carolina. It is SC non-profit incorporated and IRS designated 501 (c) (3) organization; donations to TAG are tax deductible. Residents of the midlands of South Carolina over 18 years of age are invited to join. TAG brings together adults living in the midlands of South Carolina with a common interest – ART!
Renew today by heading over to the Shop or
Sending a check payable to TAG, PO Box 6793, Columbia, SC 29260
Paying directly through PayPal to trenholmartistsguild@gmail.com
Bringing a check or cash to Treasurer Ashley Fleshman at a meeting
Our membership year is from September - May. Fees paid in June or July will apply to the upcoming year.
Regular Membership is $30
Members who have maintained their membership for 25 or more years is $20
Add link to your website $5; Add a custom artist’s gallery $25